First of all, according to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), health is considered a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or disability.

We therefore see that W.H.O. emphasizes on the part of wellness that is ensured not only by the absence of disease but also by a positive mental hygiene!

This is what is increasingly being discussed and emphasized, the quality of lifepart.

So again, according to W.H.O. "Mental Health is the state of emotional well-being where a person can live and work comfortably within the community and be satisfied with his personal characteristics and achievements."

As we can see, based on this definition, it is important on one hand to be content with his / her personal characteristics and achievements but also with his / her ability to function and to live (coexist) within the community.

Following this approach, we are lead to the bio-psycho-socialthinking, to the psychological problems approach.

In other words, we need to approach mental health problems by taking into account both the medical model that refers to the knowledge provided by the neurochemical research, psychopharmacology and genetics, as well as the psychological approach based mainly on the models that refer to Psychoanalytic, Cognitive, Behavioral and Systemic Therapy, as well as the Psychosocial View that takes into account the factors that cause stress and life’s psycho-pressure events.

Our effort therefore focuses on approaching and solving the problems that arise from this model.

Medical knowledge and experience, on one hand, and the psychotherapeutic approach based on both psychodynamic awareness and Cognitive - Behavioral Psychotherapy, are the means by which we work to achieve the best possible outcome in addressing any psychological - psychiatric issues arising.

Live the journey under a clear sky - 26th June: International Day against Drug Abuse

  • What are drugs?

Drugs rhey are chemicals that cause changes in the mental sphere of a person's emotion or behavior and are addictive. Interactive factors are both the nature of the drug’s substance and the personality of the person and the social conditions in which he/she lives.

  • Why is it more common for young people?

Due to the curiosity against the "social disciplined social class”. The drug trafficking is performed through friends - acquaintances.

  • Why is it so difficult to eradicate them?

Because there are huge profits for the drug dealers, there are daily indirect references that enhance their social status, and because they are available in the social or natural environment.

  • What can we do?
    • Be correctly informed
    • Better assess the phenomenon
    • Keep trusting the state as an individual
    • Offer essential awareness to all population groups
    • Improve the living conditions
    • Positive stimuli: Music, Art, Sport, Spiritual Arts, Love, Safe Sex, Dreams

Do not forget that life is full of opportunities that we can enjoy! Dare to dream and your dreams can be realized!

Psychiatry is the medical specialty that examines and treats Mental Disorders.

When we refer to mental disorders we refer to emotional disturbances (e.g. depression, bipolar affective disorder), anxiety disorders (e.g. Panic Disorder, Phobia) . . and Disorders of the Personality.

Psychiatry has now a lot of tools, diagnostic and therapeutic tools used for dealing with these disorders, which help the overwhelming majority of patients.

With the modern therapies, a return to normal life is almost certain.

Modern pharmaceutical agents are not only just effective, but due to their good profile have no side effects. In addition, the modern psychotherapeutic interventions either successfully complement the treatment, or are the ones used as the primary treatment.

The above enable more people to reach out to an expert, since they now know that there is a way to handle their problems without being stigmatized.

While it has been a century since Sigmund Freud firstly introduced the concept of Psychotherapy, it has not yet been fully established -in our consciousness- as an effective therapeutic intervention.

Modern research and methods using images have confirmed the effectiveness of psychotherapy. It has been proven that it brings constant changes in the brain function!

This is independent of the type of psychotherapy, while the healing determination factor appears to be the relationship between the therapist and the person treated.

Apart from this, there are now many psychotherapeutic approaches, individual or in groups, with predominant ones the Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy (CBT), the Psychoanalysis and the Systemic Psychotherapy.

What kind of psychotherapy someone will choose to follow, depends on the accessibility, time and money that someone has, what suits him/her best as a style, but also depends on the kind of problems he/she faces.

The Psychiatrist is a physician who has been trained and has the Psychiatry specialty title. He/She is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders. He/She is therefore the person someone with mental health problems should address, in order to get a proper diagnosis and a proposal of the appropriate treatment.

Psychologist is the scientist dealing with human psychology as it is formed through the development of the individual via his/her family and his/her social environment.

Via the terminology, the Psychologist holds the theoretical background of the psychology of the individual and what is defined as normal, but does not have the capacity of the healing intervention when something is out of the normal.

In most cases however, psychotherapy works out effectively by offering stable solutions and relief to smaller or bigger psychiatric or psychological issues. 

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